Knödel are bread dumplings, they are an important part of the cuisine in Central Europe, e.g. in countries like Austria, Czech or Germany. They are also a really important component of the cuisine in Southtyrol. Our traditional dumplings are made with dried white bread, milk and eggs. We have many different Knödel, the traditional ones are made with bacon, but today I am gonna show you a vegetarian alternative to the traditional ones ,made with spinach instead of bacon.
Spinach-Knödel (for 4 servings)
250 g dried white bread
200 ml milk
600 g spinach
30 g butter
½ onion
1 garlic clove
2 eggs
salt, pepper and nutmeg
1 tsp plain white flour
- Chop the white bread into small cubes and pour the milk over it
- Cook the spinach in salted water
- Fry the onions in the melted butter
- Add the spinach and steam it briefly
- Add the spinach and the eggs to the bread, mix well and taste the mixture with salt, pepper and nutmeg
- Add the flour and form the ball-shaped Knödel
- Cook the Knödel in salted water or steam-cook them for 15 minutes
- Serve with melted butter and grated parmesan